Our Mission・Vision・Values
At Goalist we use these terms in the following way. Our Mission is our core purpose. Our Vision is our medium term goal. Our Values are the principles that guide our organization. It is these three ideas that form the organization's culture and allow us to create a Professional Team that is nuanced, diverse, and united.
To be a
professional team that leads
individuals and organizations to their goals.
Modern humanity has evolved to amazing heights.
We communicate over incredible distances, traverse the sky, and even go to the moon.
Why has so much been achieved?
We believe that all of this comes from people having Goals.
It is when people set out after their Goals that they begin to grow,
and the process of pursuing and achieving Goals brings evolution beyond any other.
"Goal" is the central part of "Goalist" because of our belief in the values of Goals.
Our ideal is to be an organization that is able to continually bring ourselves and our clients closer to our respective Goals, and through the repetition of this process continue to grow into a Professional Team that is truly capable of delivering great values anywhere.
The Goalist Group aims to develop 10 companies, 10 countries, and 10 businesses under the vision of "GLOCAL10".
Starting with IT support for the HR tech industry in Japan, we have gradually expanded the scope of our services, spun off growing businesses, established support bases, and are increasingly being consulted by customers from other industries. Diversity is the core of our organization, and we have a diverse group of members from all over the world. The ratio of foreign employees is 50%, and the ratio of women employees for more than 60% of the total, and they are also active as board members.
And from now on, we will expand globally based on "people," "place," and "business" with the aim of further growth of group companies and strengthening recruitment. We believe that new challenges will create growth opportunities for our members, invigorate our organization, and enable us to provide better services.
Our 8 Values

People who achieve their dreams have one thing in common that differentiates them. That is, they take action towards their dreams. Repeating the cycle of setting objectives, strategizing, and executing is something that we value highly at Goalist.

Things that can be changed are Oneself, Thinking, Action, and The Future. Focusing energy only on what can be changed is the most important step to being independent and autonomous.

Everyone makes mistakes. Things don't always go according to plan. At work there are always going to be things that go wrong. The most important thing is to accurately, and completely, communicate these issues as soon as possible. Acknowledging the issue is always the first step to resolving it.

It is when people take pride that they can truly give life their best. We believe that a person cannot continue to work without taking pride in what they do.

Sometimes there are things that need to be said, and though they maybe hard to say, especially to superiors, we believe it is vital for each individual to communicate these things. It is only through having trust and communication that true team spirit is forged.

Being on time, keeping promises, and quickly responding to complaints are just a few examples of what we mean when we aim to set a high standard for thoroughness. These things may each be minor, but when consistently done in concert they build the trust that is required to achieve great heights.

Greeting people, speaking pleasantly, and smiling are part of what we see as treating people well. Even when you may possess more knowledge, or experience, this attitude helps build relationships.
Each individual possesses infinite possibilities. We believe that when you are faced with great obstacles is exactly when it is the most important to continue to aspire to ideals. That aspiration is a key catalyst for growth.